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Why do YOU need Improvisation?

We are all improvisers. Every day, moment to moment, we make decisions without a script. When it comes to life's more demanding moments, however, most of us are less likely to respond spontaneously usually because of fear - fear of failure, of getting it wrong, of feeling vulnerable. Yet the best leaders, innovators, artists, athletes, jazz musicians and teachers, all understand the power of spontaneity, of trusting one's impulses, of building on the offers made by others in the room. They know when it is necessary to throw away the script and scrap the game plan in order to solve immediate problems and to better serve the emergent process. In this complex, constantly changing world, we all have moments when we need to respond in this way. When we need to do offstage what the best improvisers do onstage: to work collaboratively, remain flexible, generate endless ideas quickly, willingly take risks, motivate others, treat mistakes as opportunities, find and solve problems effectively, engage authentically, and effectively deliver stories and ideas to audiences. Impro training can improve social intelligence. It can also be an invitation to become more awake, more present, to connect more deeply with others, and to practice benevolence. Wouldn't it be great if impro training were required in every corner of the world? Yes, and... 

What is Applied Improvisation?

Applied Improvisation (AI) is the umbrella term widely used to denote the application of theatre improvisation (theories, tenets, games, techniques, and exercises) beyond conventional theatre spaces to foster the growth and/or development of flexible structures, new mindsets, and a range of inter and intra-personal skills required in today's complex, uncertain, rapidly-changing world. I have designed and facilitated many applied improvisation trainings for groups and organizations in various fields. At the heart of my methodology is the Impro System...

What is the

Impro System?

The Impro System (i.e., my term for denoting Keith Johnstone's theories, pedagogy, techniques, exercises, games, and terminology) is Johnstone's most important contribution to theatre practice worldwide. The Impro System is an approach to actor training and theatre practice that encourages spontaneous, collaborative creation using the intuitive, uncensored imaginative responses of the participants.

For a more detailed description consult the biography I wrote on Keith Johnstone and watch this:

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